Welcome to Your Goddess-Self Ceremony
Full Moon Ceremonies to heal & manifest with your Goddess
The Key to your Soul-Wealth is in your Goddess-Self
Harness the power of each Full Moon with a uniquely designed free ceremony as extraordinary as your Goddess.
Your Story
You have the power to manifest your deepest desires & the power of the Full Moon can help enhance your own divinity so you can live the life you wanted.
You want Ascension, Healing, Release, Manifestation?
These ceremonies say, SO BE IT for you!!!!

These ceremonies each month will take you to your home in the Galaxy and will heal Ancestral, Family Tree, Bloodline, Lifetimes, DNA, Encoded Toxic Patterns with the help your Goddess.
You will not need anything special, but be there during the online ceremony to actively participate and receive the abundant blessing.

During each ceremony we will channel messages from Paulami’s Galactic Goddess for the Group and may involve personal messages from yours too.
Tarot/Oracle Readings will also be done with specific intentions we will work on each month.

The Ceremony involves your Goddess, Angels, Cosmic Spirits, hypnotherapy, meditative journey, visualization, invoking, evoking, chakra flow with Paulami and a lot more.
Your committment & involvement is necessary.

In these ceremonies, all the 4 elements are involved along with the Spirit, although Paulami works majorly with the Soul-Fire so the progress is faster and your dharma attracts the right energy in form of opportunities. Its also Full Moon so the essence of fire works magically.
Ceremony is an ancient buddhist technique as fire rituals or homa are and connecting to & channeling their essence can be life changing.
In esoteric principles Fire is absolute to Soul and can clear up everything that needs to be cleansed, while making your aura powerfully magnetic.
These Full Moon Ceremonies are a way to connect you to your hidden Superpowers. Your Goddess has all the aspects within HER to show you the path to your Goddess-Self.
It’s like homecoming!!
Experiencing this will ascend your energy, your life & your lifestyle, with deeper shifts than you’ve experienced.