High-Vibrational Reality of Prosperity

Learn the purpose of money, let your prosperity come into it’s own high-vibrational existence.

Feed your Prosperity

The Manifesting Rituals cater to the part of your birth matrix that conseals the power of your Prosperity Spirit. You get 3 of them to use and prosper.

When Magic & Brain science comes Together

Using the step-by-step process of Journaling & Rituals along with the Prosperity Cheque will let your own body tap into your unlimited energy of abundance.

When your inner world is abundant, your outer world will remain so without getting affected by any economic climate!!!

This Freebie Manifesting Prosperity Bundle is a part of a brain hack, a science-based manifesting formula to create the prosperity you deserve rather than getting affected by anything that’s beyond your control. This is a mix of magic formulas using the Law of Vibrations, Law of Attraction, Neuroplasticity triggers, Neuro-Linguistic programming of our system through occult rituals (a new way of fast-tracking your manifestation), and creating a powerful morning/evening routine without spending hours on a journal that doesn’t have the right prompts.

This energy-coding of the nervous system to shift the brain functioning and receive fresh, new, amazing ideas which suit your unique energy and attracts right opportunities, will help you keep on track, without overwhelming and is meant to soothe the neurodivergent system of sensitivity and manifesting prosperity.

If you are here, you already know that “manifestation” isn’t hard, the release of our inner blocks are.

Which is why we awakened ones may have tasted amazing success as well as failures with our desires.

This freebie is here to show you, whatever you do, the POWER is WITHIN YOU and whenever you want you can use it, to not only magnetize wealth, but also have a system in place to keep the flow going. Period.

Find Soul-led clarity with the “Find your Money Journal”.

We are so deep with the social conditionaining of lack mindset regarding money that we forget money is a part of our Life-Purpose, our Dharma and it has that elevated aspect, higher vibration attached to it. This journal will bring you clarity around your real purpose of money & prosperity.

Why do you need clarity of purpose?

Money isn’t the 3D concept even if it has been translated, it still has the higher intellect of  purpose attached. The more you clarify your own inner matrix of this, the better position you have in magnetizing it to yourself. Amazing clarity in itself is a magical phenomenon attached to your 3rd Eye and its awakening.

This journal is simple yet powerful.

Your higher level magic will be opened up with the uniquely developed Prosperity Cheque.

This cheque has some brain-mind coherence concept to mold or recode your subconscious to your Prosperity Vault in the Cosmos, which has unlimited supply of prosperity for you.

Uisng this (writing, meditating, visualizing with the cheque), will help you strengthen your electro-magnetic field (Aura) to receive and attract.

This is a magic weaved with practical approach to align your brain with your mindful approach to money.

Then we also have 3 powerful techniques geared to shift your reality.

You get 3 Money Manifesting Cards with 3 dfferent Prosperity Rituals. They are a part of the Prosperity Bundle with 60 Manifesting Cards with 60 different rituals.


Out of which you are getting 3 awesome one for free. How amazing is that!!!


When you align yourself to the 5D frequency of money, you open a portal that will help you manifest your goal and these Ceremonies will help you in doing just that.

Use the ritual which calls most to your Soul, alongside the Cheque & the Journal and your Soul-Team promises you, you will see great results pretty fast.