Supercharge your Root Center with

Archangel Sandalphon

Hi! I’m Paulami

You have superpowers that will help others when you share them and the my work is to gift you clarity, magnetism and platform to do just that.

The Root Centre, sometimes known as the Root Chakra or Basic Chakra, is essential for stability and foundation in our life and also in our healing journey. It is the root of our energy system and is associated with survival, security, and relationships, which is why it directly affects the heart. This chakra promotes feelings of security, stability, and well-being when it is in balance. When it’s imbalanced, though, we could feel disconnectedness, uneasy, or may be more anxious than is ususal. 

Red is the colour of the Root Chakra, or Muladhara, situated at the base of the spine. An imbalanced Root can also cause deepening of emotions of instability, fear, or a detachment from our physical reality, detachment from our body. An balanced Root Chakra helps us feel safe and rooted in our everyday lives, while attracting opportunities for our security, safety and providing us wqith ample ways to live a fulfilled life, including making money.

Archangel Sandalphon, the Archangelic Power connected to Root Center, is also profoundly connected to Earth energy and the divine bond can help us immensely in balancing our Root and attracting money if used the right. way. 

Archangel Sandalphon provides for a grounded, nurturing, and deeply connected energy to work with our Root Center. 

How to Use Archangel Sandalphon Meditation in Real Life:

After listening to it daily, preferably before going to sleep, you will see a sudden shift in your habits, or atleast ideas to change them, pay attention and start working on them if possible.

You will also have better intuitive connection. Even “fears” can be an indication so pay heed.

You will start attracting opportunities, but to keep them coming and changing your financial status, you need to take inspired, continuous action, showing Archangel Sandalphon and your Root Universe that you mean serious business.

You can also use intentions or prayers in writing during this time when you listen to this meditative journey. Put your thoughts or prayers on paper, in writing to anchor them.

You can also use a crystal while doing this meditation, like keeping it under your pillow or holding it in the palms of your hand, so the crystal will start holding the energy through this meditation. Then you can use this crystal whereevr you like to spread & expand the energy in your physical setting, like on your work desk, or on your altar.

Apart from this super-special meditation (shared above), there are other ways Archangle Sandalphon can help you with Rott center balance.

How Sandalphon Can Enhance Your Root


1. Grounding and Stabilizing 

Your energy can be grounded thanks to Sandalphon’s deep connection to the Earth. You can improve your connection to the Earth, which is necessary for a balanced Root Chakra, by calling upon Archangel Sandalphon. Imagine the energy of Archangel Sandalphon as a bright, earthy glow that enters your Root Chakra and gives you a sense of stability and grounding.

2. Healing Emotional Wounds

Many times, emotional and psychological scars pertaining to security and safety are stored in the Root Chakra. Archangel Sandalphon’s calming, protective energy can help cure these ingrained problems. You can ask Archangel Sandalphon to assist in releasing worries and fears that might be obstructing the energy of your Root Chakra through prayer and meditation.

3. Enhancing Manifestation

Archangel Sandalphon is well-known for his ability to make intentions and prayers come true. You have a higher chance of successfully manifesting your objectives and aspirations when your Root Chakra is balanced. By making sure that your underlying energy is powerful and in line with your higher objectives, working with Sandalphon can help you become more adept at manifesting your desires.

4. Deepening Connection to the Earth

The grounding force of Archangel Sandalphon can facilitate the growth of a closer relationship with the natural world. Archangel Sandalphon can be more potent on the Root Chakra if you spend time in nature, meditate outside, or visualise having a close, caring relationship to the soil. It may not seem it, but connection to Earth indifferent ways even if unique can help you restore your Root Center.

Your Root Centre can be greatly enhanced by all these practices, pick & chose those you like. This will also help in easily anchoring your desires, heal emotional wounds, and manifest your dream goals fast.

If you have any questions regarding this meditation, send me a message at