Meet your highest Prosperity Potential.






Becoming your own success mentor isn’t hard, it just needs the right start!

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When we stop separating money from our Soul & our purpose, that’s when we start a whole new relationship with money, without any hidden subconscious judgement & prejudice.

We’re wired to express our true-self and even with prosperity, we can reach our highest potential with much ease and quite fast than we’ve been doing till now.

Alleviate your Money-Power is to help you create a new aligned path to an abundant & harmonious Self which translates into your life & dharma bringing flow, release & magnetism.

Decode all those karma block which you inherited, assembled and embodied throughoput the years. Don’t let your fear stop you from claiming your World!!!


$ 55.00

10 % SALE!!!!

You are constantly trying to scrape and save, and feel guilty for neither meeting your expectations, nor having enough.

You’re always in debt and trying to complete your obligations.

You’ve been trying to break your financial mold for something better, but nothing concerete has happened, and you feel stuck!

Your income is sporadic with no consistency nor assurance.

You spend like rushing in for a Black Friday sale, without even realizing it.

You’re always overthinking & second guessing yourself in investments, and feel restrictive in saving money.

Whenever you’ve had some profits, you also have to pay for sudden new expenses.

You’ve tried a lot of rituals and Law of Attraction techniques, but nothing has worked for you to sustain long-term high finances.

You always feel less than people who have higher income than you, even if nobody is making digs at your financial status.

You know your relationship with money is that of wanting, needing, fearing and never of love or purpose.

Or you are an Ascending Soul!

Do you know that the dual expression of Goddess Maya intensifies on everyone, going through or have gone through an awakening, an ascension. This is a known ancient fact of spiritual lineage, and its because with your Aura expanding & growing you’re definitely more attractive to the dual Goddess, as you’re to your own spirit team.

The problem arises when we don’t seem to have a grasp of this truth and keep on doing everything in our power to create a life aligned with Soul. But that keeps bringing more & more scarcity in every aspect including money/finances.

Which is why I have touched upon the fact, “money problem isn’t only a money issue”, it harbors deep within many other lack systems working in us and in our life thus. 

If you want to know how Alleviate your Money-Power can help you move beyond that, listen to “Money & Maya” video to get more clarity.

Get it at $ 49.50/- only.








The Proposal

Put a proposal to your subconscious, to show you what are those karmic patterns and thoughts that have been holding you back in your money game and trust me on this, they will do exactly that. 

When you suddenly start paying attention to some weird conversation going on in your head about any kind of lack, know it’s directly related to your prosperity block. Subconscious or even the energy of the whole World haven’t been known to differentiate things the way our “logical brain” does, whoich is again a coping mechanism from abuse & trauma. When we take some moment to understand that things, change faster than ever.

So, ask your saubconscious and when it does that, be aware and work through the process. 

Alleviate your Money-Power is just build around the understanding of our inner-World creating our outer.

Even the most honest, hardworking and delivering individuals can’t deliver when it comes to winning their financial goals by getting a raise or attracting the right paying client. The value of a person’s work depends heavily upon what’s in teir own inner-World rather than how the company, the boss, the people around see them.

I’ve discovered it the hard way, and if you’re like me, a true seeker who is high on authencity and keeping your karma clean, yet finding your power with money, then this is a course that will lift you up from shame to conviction of your Spirit. 

What’s so special about it?

This is an action-oriented course and motivates you to take action, because without action nobody is going to earn their millions!!
One of the unique features of this course is, sharing how each method induce changes in our brain , nervous system, mind & energy.
Connecting with your own Spirit of Prosperity through your Tree of Life is one of the highlights!!!
The Wealth Tech portion of the course has 11 WINDFALL techniques, designed for you to put in your magical specifications and make them your own, because you’re an unique being!! But if you want to use what’s shared that’s good too.
An e-book teaching you the practices, the correlation of practices to your body, brain & nervous system, how to become the force of success in one’s financial situation.
Downloadable & Printable Prosperity check, that works miracles, as it has a unique feature of infusing the power of your sacred prosperity symbol.
Prerecorded Meditations to hasten your practice.
Printable & downloadable Charts, Vision Board dummy, affirmations, prayers for your use.
Printable & downloadable sheet for creating your own personal Manifestation Formula.
A Weekly Gratitude Cheat Sheet.

Chose yourself!

Join your Prosperity spirit to embody your highest prosperity potential.

10% off on $55 till 30 days!!!








Celebrate Your Freedom!

I released all that’s not serving my prosperity dharma and embody the abunadnce that I AM!!!